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Email Blaster

Dream Time Web Hosting


SJPHONE softphone setup instructions.

1. Open Options menu.

2. Open "Profiles" tab.

3. Create new profile.

4. Profile options.

Sip Proxy.

Proxy domain: empty : 0
User domain: usgw.ast.diamondcard.us
          or eugw.ast.diamondcard.us

Register with proxy. Unchecked
Proxy is strict outbound. Unchecked

Advanced options.
Use separate registrar. Unchecked
Unregister contact address only. Checked

Proxy for NAT: empty

5. While saving profile enter your Account Id and Pin code on prompt.

6. Now you can dial regular phone numbers. Numbers should be dialed in international format. E.g. "18002001000" for USA +1800-200-1000 number.