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IP rates - For outgoing calls originating from an IP device
Callback - For use when you have no internet or an access number to make a call from
SMS - For outgoing text messages
Access numbers - For outgoing calls using a local access number in the country you are in
DID - For incoming calls to your DID (personal number)

Dialing Instructions

1. Dial Access Number.
2. Enter your PIN number if required.
3. Enter your destination number. Country code + phone number. Do NOT enter any international dialing prefix.

Access numbers can be used in the countries listed below. To see call rates for certain destinations click on a country below. You will see pricing for calling call destinations when using that country access number.

More about Access Numbers.

World Wide Access Numbers
Country Access Number      Country Access Number
United Kingdom +44-207-100-5797   USA +1-415-300-4173