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IP rates - For outgoing calls originating from an IP device
Callback - For use when you have no internet or an access number to make a call from
SMS - For outgoing text messages
Access numbers - For outgoing calls using a local access number in the country you are in
DID - For incoming calls to your DID (personal number)

DID's are also called personal numbers. Click on a country listed below to see the call rates for forwarding from your DID in that country. If you want to know how much it will cost you to forward your Canada DID to your China mobile phone then click on "Canada" below and look at "China, Mobile" destination to get the per minute rate. If you want to see the cost to forward to your softphone via SIP or IAX, then look at SIP or IAX in the list below.

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Personal numbers (DIDs)
Argentina    Germany    Poland
Australia    Greece    Portugal
Austria    Guatemala    Romania
Bahrain    Honduras    Russia
Belgium    Hong Kong    Singapore
Brazil    Hungary    Slovakia
Bulgaria    Ireland    South Africa
Canada    Israel    Spain
Chile    Italy    Sweden
China    Japan    Switzerland
Colombia    Korea (South)    Thailand PN
Costa Rica    Latvia    Turkey
Cyprus    Lithuania    Ukraine
Czech Republic    Luxembourg    United Kingdom
Denmark    Malaysia    United Kingdom Toll Free
Dominican republic    Malta    USA
El Salvador    Mexico    USA / Canada Toll Free
Estonia    Netherlands    USA PN. Group A
Finland    Norway    USA PN. Group B
France    Pakistan    USA PN. Group C
Georgia    Panama    Venezuela
Rates for: USA DIDs
Download rates
Destination Code Rate      Destination Code Rate
Afghanistan 93 0.305   Maldives 960 1.191
Afghanistan, Mobile 9370, 9379 0.277   Maldives, Mobile 9607 1.210
Albania 355 0.236   Mali 223 0.569
Albania, Eagle Mobile 35567 0.608   Mali, Mobile 2236, 2237 0.569
Albania, Mobile, AMC 35568 0.607   Malta 356 0.424
Albania, Mobile, Plus Communication 35566 0.580   Malta, Mobile 3567, 3569 0.730
Albania, Mobile, Vodafone 35569 0.588   Mariana Islands 1670 0.180
Albania, Tirana 3554 0.274   Marshall Islands 692 0.395
Algeria 213 0.112   Martinique 596 0.136
Algeria, Algiers 21321 0.097   Martinique, Mobile 5962, 59631, ... 0.222
Algeria, Mobile 2136 1.148   Mauritania 222 1.084
Algeria, Mobile Orascom 2137, 21377 1.229   Mauritius 230 0.266
Algeria, Mobile Wataniya 2135 1.135   Mexico 52 0.022
American Samoa 684 0.149   Mexico, Acapulco 52744 0.077
Andorra 376 0.055   Mexico, Acatlan De Juarez 52387 0.142
Andorra, Mobile 3763, 3764, ... 0.326   Mexico, Angostura 52697 0.142
Angola 244 0.085   Mexico, Arandas 52348 0.142
Angola, Mobile 2449 0.497   Mexico, Atlixco 52244 0.098
Anguilla 1264 0.336   Mexico, Cancun 52998 0.062
Antarctica 672 1.853   Mexico, Carapan 52355 0.142
Antigua 1268 0.346   Mexico, Cortazar 52411 0.142
Antigua, Mobile 1268464, 1268716, ... 0.397   Mexico, Guadalajara 5233 0.033
Argentina 54 0.036   Mexico, Mexico City 5255 0.033
Argentina, Buenos Aires 5411 0.038   Mexico, Mobile 521 0.052
Argentina, La Plata 54221 0.030   Mexico, Monterrey 5281 0.033
Argentina, Mar Del Plata 54223 0.030   Mexico, most cities 52222, 52228, ... 0.048
Argentina, Mendoza 54261 0.030   Micronesia 691 0.770
Argentina, Mobile 549 0.272   Midway Islands 6998 3.623
Armenia 374 0.368   Moldova 373 0.550
Armenia, Gumri 374312 0.229   Moldova, Mobile 3736 0.308
Armenia, Mobile 37455 0.310   Moldova, Mobile 3737, 37371, ... 0.495
Armenia, Mobile 3749, 37494 0.369   Moldova, Mobile 373774, 373777, ... 0.615
Armenia, Mobile, VivaCell 37477 0.308   Moldova, Mobile 373780, 373790, ... 0.612
Armenia, Nagornyj Karabah 37447 0.184   Moldova, Mobile (PRIDNESTROVIE) 373787 0.455
Armenia, Nagornyj Karabah mobile 37497 0.208   Moldova, Mobile, Mobile, Orange 37360, 37368, ... 0.511
Armenia, Yerevan 3741 0.285   Moldova, Mobile, Moldcell 373671, 373672, ... 0.657
Aruba 297 0.274   Moldova, Mobile, Moldcell 37378, 373781, ... 0.395
Aruba, Mobile 297127, 29756, ... 0.291   Moldova, Pridnestrovje 37321, 373280, ... 0.340
Ascension Island 247 1.552   Moldova, Pridnestrovje Mobile 37377 0.404
Australia 61 0.112   Monaco 377 0.398
Australia Melbourne 6138, 6139 0.062   Monaco, Kosovo 37744, 37745 0.714
Australia Mobile 61140, 61144, ... 0.106   Monaco, Mobile 3774, 3776 0.612
Australia Mobile, Optus 61401, 61402, ... 0.107   Mongolia 976 0.035
Australia Premium 6113, 6113452 0.149   Mongolia, Mobile 97688, 97691, ... 0.035
Australia Sydney 6128, 6129 0.062   Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar 97611 0.035
Australia, Brisbane 6173 0.062   Montenegro 382 0.630
Australia, Hob 6136 0.042   Montenegro, Mobile 38267, 38268, ... 1.051
Australia, Mobile 614 0.107   Montenegro, ProMonte 38263 0.583
Australian Ex 6721 2.181   Montserrat 1664 0.355
Austria 43 0.195   Morocco 212 0.880
Austria, Mobile H3G 43660, 43678 0.349   Morocco, Mobile 2126 1.055
Austria, Mobile Mobilkom 43644, 43664, ... 0.430   Morocco, Mobile, Maroc 212613, 212615, ... 0.844
Austria, Mobile Orange 43681, 43699 0.358   Morocco, Mobile, Meditel 212520, 212521, ... 0.237
Austria, Mobile T-Mobile 43650 0.358   Morocco, Mobile, Meditel 212612, 212614, ... 1.151
Austria, Mobile T-Mobile 43676 0.414   Morocco, Mobile, WANA 212526, 212527, ... 0.378
Austria, Mobile TELE 2 43688 0.366   Morocco, Mobile, WANA 21260, 212600, ... 0.844
Austria, Mobile other 43651, 43652, ... 0.349   Mozambique 258 0.497
Austria, Mobile other 4367 0.392   Mozambique, Mobile, Movitel 25886, 25887 0.385
Austria, Mobile other 43810, 43820 0.368   Mozambique, Mobile, Vodacom 25884 0.469
Austria, PERSONAL NUMBERS 43720, 43780 0.182   Mozambique, Mobile, mCel 25882 0.353
Austria, Salzburg 43662 0.172   Myanmar 95, 95173, ... 0.424
Austria, Vienna 431 0.175   Myanmar, Mobile 959, 95979 0.326
Azerbaijan 994 0.440   Myanmar, Yangon 951 0.281
Azerbaijan, Baku 99412 0.279   Namibia 264 0.169
Azerbaijan, Mobile 99440, 99444, ... 0.446   Namibia, Mobile 26460, 26481, ... 0.266
Azerbaijan, Mobile 99450 0.573   Nauru 674 2.067
Bahamas 1242, 1242376, ... 0.332   Nauru, Mobile 6744448, 6744449, ... 1.249
Bahamas, Mobile 1242357, 1242359, ... 0.320   Nepal 977 0.216
Bahrain 973 0.187   Nepal, Mobile 97798 0.336
Bahrain, Mobile 9733, 97377 0.191   Netherlands 31, 3168, ... 0.549
Bahrain, Mobile 9739 0.187   Netherlands (KPN) 31610, 31612, ... 0.443
Bangladesh 880 0.054   Netherlands (ORANGE) 31618, 31628, ... 0.359
Barbados 1246 0.329   Netherlands (OTHERS) 31632, 31656, ... 0.414
Barbados, Mobile 124623, 124624, ... 0.382   Netherlands (PAGING) 31660 0.381
Belarus 375 0.515   Netherlands (T-MOBILE) 31614, 31624, ... 0.372
Belarus, Mobile 37525, 37529, ... 0.612   Netherlands (TELE2) 31636, 31640 0.388
Belarus, Special Services 375602 0.489   Netherlands (TELFORT) 31616, 31617, ... 0.359
Belgium 32 0.620   Netherlands (VODAFONE) 31611, 31615, ... 0.359
Belgium Mobile BASE 3248 0.724   Netherlands Antilles 599 0.246
Belgium Mobile MOBISTAR 3249 0.777   Netherlands Antilles, Mobile 599318, 5994161, ... 0.217
Belgium Mobile PROXIMUS 3247 0.796   Netherlands Antilles, Mobile 59995, 59996 0.250
Belgium UNIVERSAL ACCESS 32702, 32703, ... 0.294   Netherlands Mobile others 316 0.329
Belgium, Mobile 32460 0.543   New Caledonia 687 0.499
Belgium, Mobile 3246, 32463, ... 0.695   New Caledonia, Mobile 68776, 68777, ... 0.499
Belize 501 0.291   New Zealand 64 0.085
Belize, Mobile 5016 0.307   New Zealand, Mobile 642, 6420, ... 0.113
Benin 229 0.455   Nicaragua 505 0.180
Benin, Mobile 2290, 22920, ... 0.525   Nicaragua, Cellular 5054, 50593, ... 0.164
Bermuda 1441 0.062   Nicaragua, Managua 50514, 505141, ... 0.339
Bhutan 975 0.127   Nicaragua, Mobile 5058, 505837, ... 0.414
Bolivia 591 0.274   Niger 227 0.469
Bolivia, La Paz 5912 0.200   Niger, Mobile 22721, 2279 0.434
Bolivia, Mobile 5911, 5917 0.274   Nigeria 234 0.292
Bosnia and Herzegovina 387 0.246   Nigeria 23481 0.253
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mobile 3876 0.605   Nigeria, Lagos 2341 0.242
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarejevo 38733, 38771 0.246   Nigeria, Mobile 2340, 234700, ... 0.253
Botswana 267 0.263   Nigeria, Mobile, Airtel 234802, 234808 0.253
Botswana, Mobile 2677 0.368   Nigeria, Mobile, Etisalat 234809 0.240
Brazil 55 0.033   Nigeria, Mobile, Globacom 234805, 234807 0.240
Brazil, Brasilia 5561 0.048   Nigeria, Mobile, MTN 234803, 234806 0.240
Brazil, Mobile 55006, 55007, ... 0.337   Nigeria, Mobile, Mtel 234804 0.149
Brazil, Mobile 55219 0.222   Nigeria, Mobile, Nitel 234902, 234903, ... 0.253
Brazil, Mobile 55349 0.112   Niue 683 2.028
Brazil, Mobile 55619 0.182   Norfolk Island 6723 2.322
Brazil, Mobile, TIM 551152, 55115329, ... 0.222   Norway 47 0.074
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro 5521 0.028   Norway, Mobile 474, 478, ... 0.122
Brazil, Sao Paulo 5511 0.072   Norway, Mobile 4759 0.052
Brunei Darussalam 673 0.184   Norway, Mobile 47920, 47926 0.041
Brunei Darussalam, Mobile 6732, 6736, ... 0.184   Norway, Premium 4702, 4703, ... 0.323
Bulgaria 359 0.123   Oman 968, 96822 0.375
Bulgaria, Mobile 35948 0.109   Oman, Mobile 9689 0.391
Bulgaria, Mobile 35987, 35988, ... 0.536   Pakistan 92 0.084
Bulgaria, Mobile 35998, 35999 0.135   Pakistan, Islamabad 9251 0.074
Bulgaria, Mobile 359988, 359989 0.505   Pakistan, Karachi 9221 0.074
Bulgaria, Sofia 3592 0.120   Pakistan, Lahore 9242 0.070
Burkina Faso 226 0.530   Pakistan, Mobile 923 0.096
Burkina Faso, Mobile 2267, 22670, ... 0.540   Palau 680 0.424
Burundi 257 0.714   Palestine 970 0.281
Burundi, Mobile 25729, 2576, ... 0.734   Palestine, Mobile 97059 0.279
Cambodia 855 0.114   Panama 507 0.055
Cambodia, Mobile 8551, 8559 0.109   Panama City 507200, 507201, ... 0.058
Cameroon 237 0.469   Panama Mobile 507120, 507161, ... 0.178
Cameroon, Mobile 2375 0.178   Panama Mobile 5076 0.207
Cameroon, Mobile 2376, 2377, ... 0.634   Papua New Guinea 675 1.222
Cameroon, Mobile 2378 0.175   Papua New Guinea, Audiotext 67520 0.653
Canada 1204, 1226, ... 0.072   Papua New Guinea, Mobile 67568, 67569 0.737
Canada 1514, 1613 0.044   Paraguay 595 0.048
Canada 1867 0.178   Paraguay, Asuncion 59521 0.043
Cape Verde 238 0.401   Paraguay, Mobile 5959 0.101
Cape Verde, Mobile 2389 0.387   Personal # usage for callback service CB 0.004
Cayman Islands 1345 0.262   Personal # usage for paid service SS 0.004
Cayman Islands, Mobile 1345229, 1345249, ... 0.345   Peru 51 0.052
Cayman Islands, Mobile 1345235, 1345626, ... 0.078   Peru Lima 511 0.041
Central African Republic 236 0.743   Peru, Mobile 5119, 51419, ... 0.178
Central African Republic, Mobile 23601, 23602, ... 0.813   Peru, Mobile 519 0.100
Chad 235 0.730   Peru, Rural 5118, 51418, ... 0.421
Chad, Mobile 2352, 2353, ... 0.761   Peru, Rural 51448 0.439
Chad, Mobile, Celtel 2356 0.730   Philippines 63 0.206
Chad, Mobile, Millicom 2359 0.724   Philippines, Manila 632 0.216
Chile 56 0.048   Philippines, Mobile 639, 6390, ... 0.262
Chile Mobile 569 0.083   Philippines, Mobile 63905, 639058, ... 0.198
Chile Rural/Easter Island 562196, 562197, ... 0.744   Philippines, Mobile 63922, 63923 0.222
Chile Santiago 562 0.038   Philippines, Mobile Smart 63813, 63907, ... 0.262
China 86 1.319   Poland 48, 4862 0.360
China, Mobile 8613, 86153, ... 0.077   Poland, Mobile 4850, 4851, ... 0.352
Cocos (Keeling) Islands 6722 2.767   Poland, Mobile 4890 0.093
Colombia 57 0.057   Poland, Mobile P4 4853, 48790, ... 0.230
Colombia, Bogota 571 0.057   Poland, Warsaw 4822 0.132
Colombia, Cali 572 0.057   Portugal 351 0.617
Colombia, Medellin 574 0.057   Portugal, Mobile 3519 0.822
Colombia, Mobile 573 0.057   Puerto Rico 1787 0.023
Colombia, Mobile 5730, 57300, ... 0.057   Puerto Rico 1939 0.033
Comoros 269 0.743   Qatar 974 0.259
Comoros, Mobile 2693 0.744   Qatar, Mobile 974122, 974124, ... 0.245
Conference CONF 0.022   Qatar, Mobile 9745 0.317
Congo 242 0.709   Registered IP phone RS 0.008
Congo, Mobile 2420 0.754   Reunion 262 0.180
Congo, Mobile 2424, 2425, ... 0.692   Reunion, Mobile 262692, 262693 0.743
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 243 0.447   Romania 40 0.036
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Mobile 24378, 2438, ... 0.721   Romania, Bucharest 4021 0.036
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Mobile 24382 0.589   Romania, Mobile 407 0.038
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Vodacom Mobile 24381 0.589   Russia 7 0.193
Cook Islands 682 1.657   Russia 72 0.117
Costa Rica 506 0.035   Russia 1,2 73012, 73022, ... 0.085
Costa Rica, Mobile 5064, 5065, ... 0.080   Russia 1,2 7401, 7471, ... 0.135
Costa Rica, Mobile, Claro 5067 0.084   Russia 3 7301, 7302, ... 0.135
Costa Rica, Mobile, Movistar 5066 0.109   Russia 4 7347 0.062
Cote DIvoire 225 0.741   Russia 4 7394, 7843, ... 0.326
Cote DIvoire Mobile, Aircomm 22569 0.631   Russia 4 7427 0.064
Cote DIvoire, Mobile, Comium 22565, 22566, ... 0.455   Russia, Abkhazia 7840 0.314
Cote DIvoire, Mobile, MTN 22504, 22505, ... 0.615   Russia, Mobile 79, 7950, ... 0.510
Cote DIvoire, Mobile, Moov 22501, 22502, ... 0.640   Russia, Mobile A-Mobile 79407 0.439
Cote DIvoire, Mobile, Orange 22507, 22508, ... 0.845   Russia, Mobile Aquafon 79409 0.439
Cote DIvoire, Mobile, Oricel 22560, 22561 0.387   Russia, Mobile Globaltel 7954 0.437
Cote DIvoire, Special Service 2252170, 22590409 0.521   Russia, Mobile, Beeline 7903, 7905, ... 0.510
Croatia 385 0.149   Russia, Mobile, MTS 791, 798 0.468
Croatia, Mobile, T-Mobile 38597, 38598, ... 0.932   Russia, Mobile, Megafon 792, 793, ... 0.481
Croatia, Mobile, Tele2 385901, 38595 0.596   Russia, Mobile, Rostelecom 7901265, 7901266, ... 0.489
Croatia, Mobile, VIPNet 38591, 38592 0.932   Russia, Moscow 7495, 7499 0.345
Cuba 53 0.973   Russia, Other 74910, 74911, ... 0.067
Cuba, Guantanamo bay 5321, 539 0.918   Russia, St Petersburg 7812 0.071
Customer Service. Account balance 440 0.004   Rwanda 250 0.410
Customer Service. Account recharge 442 0.004   Rwanda, Mobile 25003, 25005, ... 0.373
Customer Service. Echo test 441 0.004   Rwanda, Mobile 25078 0.387
Customer Service. Support 444 0.004   SIP SIP 0.008
Customer Service. Voice mail 80 0.004   Saint Helena 290 2.475
Cyprus 357 0.165   Saint Kitts and Nevis 1869 0.376
Cyprus, Mobile 357799, 3579 0.292   Saint Lucia 1758 0.318
Cyprus,Special 357700 0.194   Saint Lucia Mobile 1758284, 1758285, ... 0.318
Czech Republic 420 0.126   Saint Pierre and Miquelon 508 0.614
Czech Republic, Mobile 42060, 42072, ... 0.161   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1784 0.311
Czech Republic, Mobile 4208, 420841 0.236   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Mobile 1784430, 1784431, ... 0.316
Czech Republic, Prague 4202 0.052   Samoa 685 1.322
Denmark 45 0.469   Samoa, Mobile 6857 1.348
Denmark Mobile 452, 4522, ... 0.501   San Marino 378 0.065
Denmark Shared Cost 4570 0.462   Sao Tome and Principe 239 1.764
Diego Garcia 246 1.918   Saudi Arabia 966 0.226
Djibouti 253 0.446   Saudi Arabia, Jeddah 96622, 96626 0.184
Djibouti, Mobile 25380 0.407   Saudi Arabia, Mobile 9665 0.230
Dominica 1767 0.308   Saudi Arabia, Mobile 9668 0.159
Dominica, Mobile 1767225, 1767235, ... 0.307   Saudi Arabia, Riyadh 96612, 96614 0.203
Dominican Republic 1809 0.090   Senegal 221 0.530
Dominican Republic 1829, 182956, ... 0.191   Senegal, Mobile 22170 0.538
Dominican Republic Mobile 1809201, 1809203, ... 0.178   Senegal, Mobile 22176 0.625
Dominican Republic Mobile 1829201, 1829202, ... 0.153   Senegal, Mobile 22177 0.504
East-Timor 670 1.151   Serbia 381 0.586
Ecuador 593 0.233   Serbia, Belgrade 38111 0.709
Ecuador, Guayaquil 5934 0.177   Serbia, Mobile 3816 0.761
Ecuador, Mobile 5938, 59380, ... 0.175   Seychelles 248 1.421
Ecuador, Mobile 5939 0.379   Seychelles, Mobile 2485, 2487 1.203
Ecuador, Quito 5932 0.181   Sierra Leone 232 0.728
Egypt 20 0.140   Sierra Leone, Comium 23234 0.549
Egypt, Cairo 202 0.243   Sierra Leone, Mobile 23223, 23225, ... 0.738
Egypt, Mobile 2010, 2016, ... 0.242   Singapore 65 0.113
Egypt, Mobile 2011 0.187   Singapore, Freephone 65130 0.023
Egypt, Mobile 2012 0.243   Singapore, Mobile 659 0.093
Egypt, Mobile 2013, 2014, ... 0.158   Sint Maarten 1721 0.190
Egypt, Mobile 2017, 2018 0.135   Slovakia 421 0.055
El Salvador 503 0.250   Slovakia 42190, 421900, ... 0.184
El Salvador, Mobile 5034, 5035, ... 0.240   Slovakia, Mobile 42194 0.120
Equatorial Guinea 240 0.659   Slovakia, Mobile Eurotel 421901, 421902, ... 0.181
Equatorial Guinea, Mobile 2402, 2403, ... 0.663   Slovakia, Orange Mobile 4219 0.120
Eritrea 291 0.347   Slovenia 386, 3861777 0.292
Estonia 372 0.041   Slovenia (ALTERNATIVE A) 3861400, 3861401, ... 0.292
Estonia, Mobile 3725 0.766   Slovenia (ALTERNATIVE B) 386590, 3869806, ... 0.292
Estonia, Mobile 37281, 37282 0.538   Slovenia AMIS 3861320, 3861620, ... 0.292
Estonia, Premium 37240, 37270 0.743   Slovenia Mobile (IPKO NET) 38643, 38649 0.288
Ethiopia 251 0.316   Slovenia Mobile (MOBITEL) 38631, 38641, ... 0.591
Ethiopia, Mobile 2519 0.337   Slovenia Mobile (SI MOBILE) 38630, 38640 0.591
Faeroe Islands 298 0.252   Slovenia Mobile (T2) 386641, 3869814 0.544
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 500 2.724   Slovenia Mobile (TUSMOBIL) 38670 0.591
Fiji 679 0.352   Slovenia Mobile Others 38650, 38664, ... 0.591
Fiji, Mobile 6799 0.352   Solomon Islands 677 1.262
Finland 358 0.483   Solomon Islands, Audiotext 6771, 6778, ... 1.136
Finland, Helsinki 3589 0.485   Somalia 252 0.727
Finland, Mobile 3584 0.505   South Africa 27 0.614
Finland, Mobile 3585 0.488   South Africa, Capetown 2721 0.381
France 33 0.321   South Africa, Johannesburg 2711 0.421
France, Mobile 336, 33637, ... 0.337   South Africa, Mobile, Cell-C 27610, 27611, ... 0.340
France, Mobile Others 336380, 3364000, ... 0.563   South Africa, Mobile, MNT 27603, 27604, ... 0.336
France, Mobile,Orange 33604, 336041, ... 0.337   South Africa, Mobile, Telekom 27614, 27811, ... 0.353
France, Orange 3367, 33670, ... 0.326   South Africa, Mobile, Vodacom 27606, 27607, ... 0.291
France, Paris 331 0.357   Spain 34 0.760
France, Premium 338 0.506   Spain 349, 3491, ... 0.876
French Guiana 594 0.097   Spain Mobile (EUSKALTEL) 34688, 346880, ... 0.614
French Guiana, Mobile 5946 0.142   Spain Mobile (MOVISTAR) 346010, 346011, ... 0.664
French Polynesia 689 0.423   Spain Mobile (MOVISTAR) 347177 0.552
Gabon 241 0.585   Spain Mobile (ORANGE) 34605, 34615, ... 0.663
Gabon, Mobile 2410, 24104, ... 0.576   Spain Mobile (ORANGE) 347477, 347478 0.256
Gabon, Mobile 24106, 2412, ... 0.544   Spain Mobile (OTHERS) 346, 34601, ... 0.663
Gabon, Mobile 2411, 24180, ... 0.573   Spain Mobile (OTHERS) 347170 0.172
Gabon, Mobile 2413 0.802   Spain Mobile (VODAFONE) 34600, 34607, ... 0.669
Gabon, Mobile 24141, 24175 0.455   Spain Mobile (VODAFONE) 347111, 347117, ... 0.640
Gabon, Mobile 24153 0.566   Spain Mobile (XFERA) 34622, 34633 0.675
Gambia 220, 2203, ... 0.829   Spain Mobile (XFERA) 347221, 347222, ... 0.285
Gambia, Mobile 2206, 2207, ... 0.827   Spain, Mobile 3472 0.656
Georgia 995 0.440   Spain, Premium 3490 0.802
Georgia, Mobile 995441, 995447, ... 0.389   Sri Lanka 94 0.223
Georgia, Mobile, Geocell 995514, 995555, ... 0.520   Sri Lanka, Mobile 947 0.232
Georgia, Mobile, Magticom 995551, 995591, ... 0.552   Sudan 249 0.350
Georgia, Mobile, Mobitel 995568, 995571, ... 0.476   Sudan, Mobile MTN 24992, 24993, ... 0.263
Georgia, Mobile, Silknet 995570 0.375   Sudan, Mobile Mobitel 24990, 24991, ... 0.256
Georgia, Tblisi 99532 0.261   Sudan, Mobile Now 24995 0.210
Germany 49 0.688   Sudan, Mobile, Kanartel 24911, 24915 0.376
Germany (NATIONAL ACCESS VOIP) 4932 0.508   Sudan, Mobile, Sudatel 24912 0.376
Germany Mobile DTAG 49700, 49701 0.193   Suriname 597 0.378
Germany Mobile E Plus 49150, 49155, ... 0.582   Suriname, Mobile 59768, 5977 0.229
Germany Mobile O2 49159, 49176, ... 0.666   Suriname, Mobile 5978 0.378
Germany Mobile Other 4915, 4916, ... 0.572   Suriname, Mobile, Digicel 59771, 59772, ... 0.766
Germany Mobile T-Mobile 49151, 49160, ... 0.583   Swaziland 268 0.245
Germany Mobile Vodafone 49152, 49162, ... 0.666   Swaziland, Mobile 2686, 26876 0.308
Germany, Premium 4918, 4919, ... 3.261   Sweden 46 0.478
Ghana 233, 23321, ... 0.421   Sweden Mobile (Comviq) 46252, 46254 0.087
Ghana Mobile 23320, 23323, ... 0.405   Sweden Mobile (Comviq) 46700, 467015, ... 0.489
Gibraltar 350 0.083   Sweden Mobile (Hi3G) 46675 0.087
Gibraltar, Mobile 3505, 3506 0.240   Sweden Mobile (Hi3G) 467350, 467351, ... 0.478
Global Mobile Satellite System (GMSS), shared code 8818, 8819 1.539   Sweden Mobile (OTHERS) 46676 0.087
Global Mobile Satellite System (GMSS), shared code, Iridium-8816 8816 8.401   Sweden Mobile (OTHERS) 4670, 467006, ... 0.486
Global Mobile Satellite System (GMSS), shared code, Iridium-8817 8817 5.797   Sweden Mobile (OTHERS) 4671, 46710, ... 0.489
Greece 30 0.116   Sweden Mobile (PAGER) 4674 0.028
Greece, Athens 3021 0.065   Sweden Mobile (TELENOR) 46674 0.087
Greece, Mobile 306 0.133   Sweden Mobile (TELENOR) 467011, 467014, ... 0.478
Greenland 299 0.620   Sweden Mobile (TELIA/MOBITEL) 46376, 46518, ... 0.387
Greenland, Mobile 2992, 2994, ... 0.747   Sweden Mobile (TELIA/MOBITEL) 467010, 467012, ... 0.478
Grenada 1473 0.292   Switzerland 41 0.685
Grenada - Mobile 1473403, 1473404, ... 0.307   Switzerland (SPECIAL SERVICES) 4158 0.096
Guadeloupe 590 0.033   Switzerland Mobile 4179979 0.620
Guadeloupe, Mobile 590690 0.314   Switzerland Mobile 41860760, 41860761, ... 0.468
Guatemala 502 0.230   Switzerland Mobile (3G) 41777 0.607
Guatemala, Mobile 50240, 50241, ... 0.223   Switzerland Mobile (BARABLU) 417698, 417699 0.607
Guinea 224 0.776   Switzerland Mobile (IN PHONE) 417730, 417731, ... 0.236
Guinea, Mobile 22460 0.725   Switzerland Mobile (ORANGE) 4178, 4186078 1.142
Guinea, Mobile 22462 0.679   Switzerland Mobile (PAGING) 4174 0.811
Guinea, Mobile, Cellcom 22465, 22467 0.745   Switzerland Mobile (PAGING) 4186074 0.410
Guinea, Mobile, Intercel 22463 0.511   Switzerland Mobile (SUNRISE) 4176, 41760, ... 0.861
Guinea, Mobile, MAI 22479 0.725   Switzerland Mobile (SWISSCOM) 41774, 4179, ... 0.834
Guinea, Mobile, MTN 22464, 22466 0.766   Switzerland Mobile (SWISSCOM) 4179970, 4179971, ... 1.112
Guinea, Mobile, Orange 22468 0.725   Switzerland Mobile (SWISSCOM) 41860774, 41860790, ... 0.265
Guinea-Bissau 245 0.989   Switzerland Mobile (TELE2) 41772 0.712
Guinea-Bissau, Mobile 2456, 24566, ... 0.735   Switzerland, Mobile 4177 0.607
Guyana 592 0.314   Switzerland, Other 416 0.175
Guyana, Mobile 592214, 592218, ... 0.355   Switzerland, Switz-Mob (OTHERS) 41779 0.648
Haiti 509 0.544   Syrian Arab Republic 963 0.414
Haiti, Mobile 50921, 509251, ... 0.413   Syrian Arab Republic, Mobile 9639 0.521
Honduras 504 0.175   Taiwan 886 0.038
Honduras, Mobile 5043, 50472, ... 0.256   Taiwan, Mobile 88660, 88670 0.123
Hong Kong 852 0.070   Taiwan, Mobile 8869 0.152
Hong Kong, Mobile 8521, 8524, ... 0.070   Taiwan, Taipei 8862 0.038
Hungary 36, 3631, ... 0.117   Tajikistan 992 0.275
Hungary, Budapest 361 0.110   Tajikistan, Mobile 9929 0.310
Hungary, Mobile 3620, 3630, ... 0.139   Tanzania 255 0.443
Hungary, Other 3624, 3625, ... 0.110   Tanzania, Dar es Salaam 25522 0.443
IAX IAX 0.008   Tanzania, Mobile 25561, 25565, ... 0.497
Iceland 354 0.038   Tanzania, Mobile 25568 0.456
Iceland, Mobile 354380, 354388, ... 0.161   Tanzania, Zanzibar 25524 0.418
India 91 0.046   Thailand 66 0.098
India, Ahmadabad 9179 0.046   Thailand, Bangkok 662 0.098
India, Bangalore 9180 0.046   Thailand, Mobile 661, 6630, ... 0.110
India, Chennai 9144 0.046   Togo 228 0.388
India, Delhi 9111 0.046   Togo, Mobile 2280 0.355
India, Ernakulam 91484 0.043   Togo, Mobile 2289 0.486
India, Hyderabad 9140 0.046   Tokelau 690 1.359
India, Jallandhar 91181 0.035   Tonga 676 1.407
India, Kolkata 9133 0.043   Trinidad and Tobago 1868 0.332
India, Mobile 917200, 917204, ... 0.041   Trinidad and Tobago 1868615, 1868616, ... 0.298
India, Mumbai 9122 0.046   Trinidad and Tobago, Mobile 186829, 18683, ... 0.346
India, Pune 9120 0.046   Tunisia 216 1.177
Indonesia 62 0.097   Tunisia, Mobile 2162, 21640, ... 1.164
Indonesia, Jakarta 6221 0.062   Tunisia, Tunis 21671 1.177
Indonesia, Mobile 628 0.094   Turkey 90 0.054
Inmarsat 871, 8711, ... 5.085   Turkey, Ankara 90312 0.049
Inmarsat 8721 11.800   Turkey, Cyprus, Northern 90392 0.068
Inmarsat 8725, 8728 8.127   Turkey, Istanbul 90212, 90216 0.064
Inmarsat 8745, 8748 6.011   Turkey, Mobile 905, 9050, ... 0.382
Inmarsat (Atlantic Ocean-East), East Atlantic 87163 6.156   Turkmenistan 993 0.200
Inmarsat Mini-M 87176, 87476 2.031   Turkmenistan, Mobile 9936 0.230
Inmarsat, East Atlantic 87139 8.472   Turks and Caicos Islands 1649 0.333
Inmarsat, East Atlantic 8715, 8718 9.049   Turks and Caicos Islands, Mobile 164923, 1649231, ... 0.359
Inmarsat, East Atlantic 87160 6.156   Tuvalu 688 1.213
Inmarsat, Indian Ocean 87339 9.847   UK 441, 44113, ... 0.043
Inmarsat, Inmarsat (Indian Ocean) 873 9.123   UK Mobile Lyca 447424 0.647
Inmarsat, Inmarsat B SNAC 8703 3.999   UK (NTS/LOCAL RATE) 44843504 0.156
Inmarsat, Inmarsat B SNAC 87039 10.802   UK 03 UK wide 443 0.237
Inmarsat, Inmarsat BGAN HSD 87078 8.399   UK 3 Mobile 447400, 447401, ... 0.727
Inmarsat, Inmarsat M SNAC 8706 2.465   UK BT Fusion Mobile 447418, 4474416, ... 0.815
Inmarsat, Inmarsat M SNAC 87060 9.991   UK C&W Guernsey Mobile 4476242, 4477003, ... 0.541
Inmarsat, Inmarsat Mini M SNAC 8707 7.531   UK C&W Jersey Mobile 4475090, 4475091, ... 0.727
Inmarsat, Pacific 8723 11.779   UK Freephone 44500, 44800, ... 0.093
Inmarsat, Pacific 87239 9.629   UK Inquam/Dolphin Mobile 4475204, 447744, ... 0.274
Inmarsat, Pacific 8726 14.220   UK Mobile band A 4474418, 4474518, ... 0.727
Inmarsat, Pacific 87260 6.228   UK Mobile band A 447448 0.647
Inmarsat, West Atlantic 87439 7.574   UK Mobile band B 447404, 447405, ... 0.647
Inmarsat, West Atlantic 87460 5.794   UK Mobile band C 4474064, 4474066, ... 0.727
International Networks 88213 8.089   UK NGN Local 44845 0.436
International networks, shared code, GMSS-ORATION 88232 2.178   UK NGN National 44870 0.583
International networks, shared code, Germany 88228 1.452   UK O2 Mobile 447430, 447431, ... 0.647
International networks, shared code, Thuraya 88216 7.147   UK O2/Manx Mobile 447624, 4479240, ... 0.236
International networks, shared code, UK BT Global Office 88210 4.636   UK Orange Mobile 447409, 447410, ... 0.722
Iran, Islamic Republic of 98 0.248   UK Other Higher Rate Mobile 4474060 0.149
Iran, Islamic Republic of, Mobile 989 0.281   UK Other Higher Rate Mobile 4474061, 4474062, ... 0.727
Iran, Islamic Republic of, Tehran 9821 0.217   UK Paging 447600, 4476232, ... 0.452
Iraq 964 0.278   UK Personal f 44701515 0.451
Iraq, Baghdad 9641 0.161   UK Personal j 44701512 0.511
Iraq, Mobile 9647 0.347   UK Premium 44905836 0.381
Ireland 353, 3530, ... 0.062   UK T-Mobile Mobile 447415, 447432, ... 0.705
Ireland 35380, 353800, ... 0.149   UK Vodafone Mobile 44739, 447391, ... 0.721
Ireland, Dublin 3531, 353129, ... 0.346   UK Wire9 fm6 Mobile 4477000 0.727
Ireland, Mobile 3538, 353811, ... 2.883   UK d Personal 447000, 447001, ... 0.440
Ireland, Mobile H3G 35383 2.883   UK f Personal 4470164, 44702140, ... 0.408
Ireland, Mobile Meteor 35385 0.614   UK f Personal 4470733 0.431
Ireland, Mobile Others 353891, 353892, ... 2.883   UK f Personal 447509 0.308
Ireland, Vodafone 35387, 353870675358, ... 2.899   UK ff28 Special 44871213, 44871348, ... 0.288
Ireland, Waterford 35351, 353512, ... 0.023   UK ff9 Paging 4470649, 4470820, ... 0.426
Israel 972 0.054   UK fm5 Mobile 4475200, 4475594 0.179
Israel, Mobile 972151, 9721515, ... 0.165   UK g10 Special 44843010, 44843018, ... 0.363
Israel, Palestine Territories 972022, 972042, ... 0.294   UK g11 Special 44843003, 44843011, ... 0.366
Israel, Palestine Territories 97232 0.033   UK g12 Special 44843034, 44844695, ... 0.436
Israel, Palestine Territories, Mobile 97256, 97259 0.345   UK g13 Special 44871370, 44871371, ... 0.583
Israel, Tel Aviv 9723 0.054   UK g14 Special 44871241, 44871262, ... 0.366
Italy 39 0.029   UK g15 Special 44871300, 44871301, ... 0.436
Italy 390, 3900 0.028   UK g17 Special 44843145, 44843163, ... 0.208
Italy, Elsacom 39310 0.413   UK g19 Special 44843147, 44843165, ... 0.366
Italy, Mobile 393 0.256   UK g2 Special 44843422, 448440970, ... 0.065
Italy, Mobile Intermatica 39319 0.563   UK g20 Special 44843004, 44843149, ... 0.208
Italy, Mobile,RFI 39313 0.418   UK g21 LIECS 4455114, 44551650, ... 0.024
Italy, Omnitel 3934 0.116   UK g22 Special 44843014, 44843045, ... 0.029
Italy, TIM 3930, 3931, ... 0.387   UK g25 Special 44871217, 44871430, ... 0.352
Italy, TIM 39321, 39324, ... 0.449   UK g6 Special 44843000, 44843005, ... 0.222
Italy, TIM 39342, 39344, ... 0.563   UK g6 VOIP 4455110, 44555508, ... 0.135
Italy, Vatican City 39066982 0.022   UK g7 Special 44871075, 44871200, ... 0.436
Italy, Wind 3932, 39320, ... 0.447   UK g7 Special 44871715 0.324
Jamaica 1876 0.323   UK g7 Special 44871984 0.816
Jamaica, Mobile 18762, 18763, ... 0.326   UK g8 Special 44843007, 44843008, ... 0.362
Japan 81 0.078   UK g8 Special 44844444 0.317
Japan, IP phone 8150 0.106   UK g9 Special 44843009, 44843016, ... 0.366
Japan, Mobile 8170, 8180 0.094   UK g9 Special 44844762 0.139
Japan, Mobile 8190 0.091   UK i14 Special 448440510, 448440513, ... 0.101
Jordan 962 0.216   UK i17 Special i17 448440035, 448440556 4.105
Jordan, Amman 9626 0.214   UK j Personal 4470031, 4470053, ... 0.250
Jordan, Central region 9625 0.214   UK k Personal 4470030, 4470037, ... 0.675
Jordan, Mobile 9627 0.246   UK p0 Premium 44903007, 44903025, ... 3.044
Jordan, Northern region 9622 0.214   UK p18 Premium 44903103, 44903214, ... 1.331
Jordan, Southern region 9623 0.216   UK p20 Premium 44903077, 44903109, ... 1.645
Kazakhstan 77 0.690   UK p25 Premium 44901759, 44901883, ... 2.441
Kazakhstan 771, 7721, ... 0.068   UK p3 Premium 44903011, 44903021, ... 2.031
Kazakhstan, Almaty 77272, 77273 0.057   UK p5 Premium 44900143, 449002, ... 1.075
Kazakhstan, Astana 77172 0.061   UK p6 Premium 44900289, 4490030, ... 0.337
Kazakhstan, Bajkonur 7736 0.061   UK pn10 Personal 447010, 4470138, ... 0.440
Kazakhstan, Karaganda 77212 0.054   UK pn2 Personal 4470039, 4470051, ... 0.675
Kazakhstan, Mobile 774 0.347   UK pn22 Personal 44705802 0.020
Kazakhstan, Mobile, Dalacom 7700 0.368   UK pn3 Personal 44700320, 44700321, ... 0.986
Kazakhstan, Mobile, Kar-Tel 7705, 7771, ... 0.472   UK pn4 Personal 4470050, 4470081, ... 0.511
Kazakhstan, Mobile, Mobile, K-Cell 7701, 7702 0.384   UK r Paging 4476233, 4476235, ... 0.144
Kazakhstan, Mobile, Mobile, K-Cell 7775, 7778 0.411   UK sc092 Special 44843289, 44843886 0.362
Kazakhstan, Mobile, Neo 7707 0.455   USA / Canada - Toll free 1800, 1866, ... 0.030
Kenya 254, 25470, ... 0.394   Uganda 256 0.573
Kenya, Mobile 2547 0.161   Uganda, Mobile, Gemtel 256477 0.281
Kenya, Nairobi 25420 0.395   Uganda, Mobile, MTN 2563, 25630, ... 0.489
Kiribati 686 2.285   Uganda, Mobile, Orange 256204, 2567 0.497
Kiribati, Mobile 68630, 6869 0.714   Uganda, Mobile, Smile 256720, 256762 0.387
Korea (North) 850 0.644   Uganda, Mobile, Ugatel 25671 0.414
Korea (South) 82 0.041   Uganda, Mobile, Warid 25620, 25670 0.566
Korea (South), Mobile 821 0.062   Ukraine 380 0.216
Kuwait 965 0.122   Ukraine 38073 0.347
Kuwait, Mobile 96544, 965501, ... 0.136   Ukraine, Mobile, GoldenTelecom 38039 0.188
Kyrgyzstan 996 0.507   Ukraine, Mobile, Intertelecom 38094 0.342
Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek 996312 0.149   Ukraine, Mobile, KyivStar 38067, 38068, ... 0.430
Kyrgyzstan, Mobile, Ak-Tel 99651 0.213   Ukraine, Mobile, Life 38063, 38093 0.569
Kyrgyzstan, Mobile, Katel 99654 0.281   Ukraine, Mobile, MTS 38050, 38066, ... 0.385
Kyrgyzstan, Mobile, Megacom 99655 0.332   Ukraine, Mobile, PeopleNet 38092 0.342
Kyrgyzstan, Mobile, NurTelecom 99670 0.268   Ukraine, Mobile, UTEL Mobile 38091 0.340
Kyrgyzstan, Mobile, Sky 99631258, 99677 0.282   United Arab Emirates 971 0.271
Kyrgyzstan, Mobile, Sotel 99657 0.167   United Arab Emirates, Mobile 97150 0.271
Kyrgyzstan, Mobile, Winline 99656 0.426   United Kingdom, Mobile, Orange 44749, 447495, ... 0.727
Lao People's Democratic Republic 856 0.125   United Kingdom, UK-Mob (BT) 447341, 447493 0.727
Latvia 371 0.497   United States 1 0.036
Latvia mobile Bite 3712019, 371206, ... 1.352   United States 1658 0.570
Latvia mobile Tele2 371200, 371203, ... 2.147   United States, Alaska 1907 0.178
Latvia mobile Telekom Baltija 3712580, 3712581, ... 0.544   United States, American Samoa 1684 0.570
Latvia, Alternative 3716541, 371662 0.080   United States, Guam 1671 0.059
Latvia, Mobile 3712 0.664   United States, Hawaii 1808 0.213
Latvia, Mobile, LMT 371202, 3712200, ... 1.416   United States, Ohio 1307325, 1513340 0.049
Latvia, OLO 3716130, 3716200, ... 0.974   Uruguay 598 0.088
Latvia, Special services 3712777, 3712791, ... 0.420   Uruguay, Mobile 5989 0.233
Lebanon 961 0.258   Uruguay, Montevideo 5982 0.065
Lebanon, Beirut 9611 0.149   Uzbekistan 998, 9987 0.171
Lebanon, Mobile 9613, 96170, ... 0.290   Uzbekistan 99865 0.164
Lesotho 266 0.547   Uzbekistan, Mobile 99867 0.145
Lesotho, Mobile 2665, 2666 0.549   Uzbekistan, Mobile 9989 0.171
Liberia 231 0.821   Uzbekistan, Tashkent 998711, 998712, ... 0.161
Liberia, Mobile 2314, 2315, ... 0.695   Vanuatu 678 1.313
Liberia, Mobile, MTN 2316 0.447   Venezuela 58 0.065
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 218 0.446   Venezuela, Caracas 58212 0.058
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mobile 21891, 21892, ... 0.505   Venezuela, Mobile 584 0.136
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Tripoli 21821 0.350   Venezuela, Mobile, Digitel 58412 0.125
Liechtenstein 423 0.201   Venezuela, Mobile, Movilnet 58416, 58426 0.098
Liechtenstein, Mobile 4235, 4236, ... 0.335   Venezuela, Mobile, Movistar 58414 0.139
Lithuania 370 0.757   Vietnam 84 0.119
Lithuania, Special Services 37037252, 37042521, ... 0.744   Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City 848 0.110
Lithuania, Mobile 3706 0.520   Vietnam, Mobile 849, 8491, ... 0.110
Local Number LocalNumber 0.008   Vietnam, Mobile, Mobifon 84120, 84121, ... 0.091
Luxemburg 352 0.382   Vietnam, Mobile, Mobifon 8490 0.112
Luxemburg (NATIONAL ACCESS VOIP) 35220 0.265   Virgin Islands, British 1284 0.327
Luxemburg Mobile 3526021, 352621, ... 0.347   Virgin Islands, U.S. 1340 0.068
Luxemburg Mobile (VOXMOBILE) 352661, 352668 0.272   Voice mail box VM 0.008
Macau 853 0.250   Wallis and Futuna 681 0.440
Macau, Mobile 8536 0.248   Yemen 967 0.232
Macedonia 389 0.248   Yemen, Mobile 96771 0.201
Macedonia, Mobile 3897 0.586   Yemen, Mobile 96773, 96777, ... 0.203
Madagascar 261 0.821   Zambia 260 0.628
Madagascar, Mobile 2613, 26133, ... 1.222   Zambia, Mobile 2609 0.628
Madagascar, Mobile 2615 0.812   Zimbabwe 263 0.371
Malawi 265 0.514   Zimbabwe, Mobile Econet 26377, 26378 0.722
Malawi, Mobile 2658, 2659 0.641   Zimbabwe, Mobile Netone 26311 0.127
Malaysia 60 0.068   Zimbabwe, Mobile Netone 26371 0.622
Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 603 0.062   Zimbabwe, Mobile Telecel 26323, 26373 0.802
Malaysia, Mobile 601 0.068